Monday, February 11, 2008

Fat Girl Slim.

I love how today scientists finally discovered that diet soda makes you fat. This made headlines. Are we really just finding this out? C'mon.

For years the big food companies have been making us fat, hiding information about what causes obesity. I believe that artificial chemicals are not the way to go. Drinking a gallon of diet soda a day is disgusting and probably will kill you instantly. So the next time someone offers you a glass of liquid love handles smack'em with your pimp hand.

But hey in my current state of fatness what do I know? I think congress should show them the hand, and make it illegal for punks to use the word diet soda.

BTW I lost 9lbs so far in Weight Watchers without the use of these so called diet elixirs.

1 me, 0 them.

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