Sunday, January 20, 2008

I'm Simply Too Cool For School

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
-Mark Twain

The beginning started out going to school to get my license 9 years ago. This means completing a 600 hour course and taking a state exam and passing it. In truth the schools that estheticians must attend are tragic (read my "Sperm Is Firm" post). Most of them don't even have the proper supplies. They are teaching out dated procedures with poor quality products just so the aspiring technician has something to work with. We are just going through the motions at first. No wonder nobody has any respect for us!

I remember taking my state board test in California and I had to perform a facial using tissues to remove everything! When I was asked to demonstrate waxing for the proctor they handed me honey and a Popsicle stick! Apparently they wanted me to pretend to wax. They actually graded me on this.

I quickly realized that I had learned nothing in school and decided to work with/for companies that would provide me with the real education.

After all its always survival of the fittest..

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