Thursday, January 24, 2008

Canceling An Appointment With Your Waxer Might Be Deadly

If you know anything about me you'll know I started my first business out of my home in San Francisco.

I get this new client who is a total pain and she wants me to recommend skincare to her while waxing her. The funny thing is she wanted to talk about the fluff that she can buy in the drugstore. So I am trying to explain to her that because I am an esthetician I never go to the drugstore and could not tell her about the skincare there. I would never buy that stuff. Lets face it, if that stuff actually worked, I would not have a job.

After we finish her full body wax for only $100 (hey she was a size zero) she proceeds to eat up my time by repeating her request for drugstore skincare recommendations. Annoying!!!
In the following months she booked three more appointments but never showed up for them. She was so inconsiderate. I started to feel like a loser. Who did she think she was messing with?

She would beg me to see her at 7am before she had to go to work. Like an idiot I had allowed her to push me to make the appointment again and again. She would always cancel last minute after I had set-up for her and heated the wax for over an hour. This is one of the reasons why spas ask for your credit card number before taking appointments. I was really getting fed up with this and did not have a credit card terminal.

She was just pushy and I was sick of it. My time is worth money and she was wasting it.
Its times like this that I just wanna "throw down" as they say. I start to fantasize about buying brass knuckles (pink ones of course cuz I'm a lady) and beating her. I imagine a scene like "spa people" meet "Fight Club".

Pink boxing gloves maybe?

Hey lets elaborate on this... Imagine me killing her, I mean actually killing her over missed appointments. I could see it now on the news. They come to my house, arrest me, find her DNA in my wax pot and haul my sorry arse off to jail. Ok,ok I'm just kidding I am seriously over it.

So lets get back to what happened. The fourth time she booked an appointment I slept in. I figured she would not show. She showed! She knocked on my door for over 20 mins while I lay in bed watching TV. Over the next few months she called me several times apologizing and asking me if she had offended me in some way. I never called her back.


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